Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day 3

It started to hit home about having nothing hot or cooked with the kids. Its hard to try and reason with them about our new food choices - so I know we need ot get our food a bit more attractive for them.

I also passed a few tests I guess. I went shopping and walked past the bakery.. and didn’t buy anything. There was also a sausage sizzle – and the smell almost sent me mad! ( but I bravely walked straight on past....)

Mid afternoon I was feeling really munchifous – Adrian had opened some salted peanuts – who knows where they had come from – and I had eaten two handful before I could extract myself away. However, we all pulled through the day with flying colours. Headaches are gone and feeling pretty good.

Breaky was a fruit shake, lunch was fruit pieces and vege sticks with the left over brazil nut pate and some rice cakes. Afternoon tea was a platter of fruit and vege sticks and cubes of chocolate. ( see pici)

Dinner was a chill free Pad Thai – which was outstandingly yummy.

Here is the recipie.

Pad Thai – mild chilli free

Make in 3 parts

First - Glaze
Half cup cashews
Quarter cup sesame oil
Half cup of soy sauce or namu sheu
Half cup line juice
Tbsp maple syrup
A little water – to make thinner to suit how you like it.

Bled the lot and set aside – can be kept in fridge
and spoon glaze over Snow peas bell peppers Beans, celery – any crunchy vege.

1 Tbs sesame seeds
Half cup sesame oil
6 sun dried tomatoes in oil
2 roma tomatoes
quarter cup of rice wine vinegar
quarter cup of apple cider vinegar
blend well.

Vege Base
Spiraled wide ribbon noodles of zucchini ( we used 1 large zucchini)

To assemble:
Put noodles in bowl
Layer bean sprouts ontop
Place marinated veges
Top with bean sprouts
Dollop of sauce
Garnish with cashews

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