Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Making Healthy Food Interesting for kids

The struggle always is to make healthy food interesting for kids. I am very blessed with two kids who will try anything and will then usually keep eating it. In the past I have made vege men out of all types of cut vegs and am surprised at the enthusaism they undertake when eating it. I know I get lazy and just dish out our dinner in large salad bowls - so I am making a committment this week to present food in a more interesting way for the kids.
As I am an editor and writer for a parenting magazine - Type-A-Mom I will also use this time to collect photos and ideas to write a few articles.. I'll post them up here when they are done.

Anyway - todays interesting food is an apple spiraliser. It makes medium sized apples into apple slinkies. You can set it to take the skin off - or to leave it on. My kids like to eat the skin seperatly in a long thing line. Large apples will fit - but the spiraliser will break them apart and you won't get the groovy slinky affect.
My kids will eat boxes of apples done this way.

its organic box day today - so dinner included fresh corn, beans, peas in the pod ... and you guessed it - my tomato salad. crunch munch yum!!!

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